July 2023: Nuxt Release Week, Turning 29 and Exploring Greece

Meet up

I'm back in Sydney for a couple of months while working on open-source.

In the area and want to catch up? Get in touch!

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What I Got Up To

Nuxt Release Week

While working and travelling it's difficult to build momentum.

I have a constant pulse of things requiring attention: GitHub issues, Discord support questions, client issues etc.

I like helping people, it's rewarding in of-itself. But going for long periods without releasing new projects is demotivating.

That's why I was excited for the start of July. I had an entire week free in Sydney to focus on shipping.

With this excitement, I naively announced that I'd get something out every day on Twitter.

Harlan Wilton
Harlan Wilton
It's been a while since I've released anything. So I plan to drop something exciting every day for @nuxt_js over the next week. Wish me luck! ✨
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The v2 release of Nuxt SEO Kit has been something bouncing around in my mind for many months, so I decided to focus on that.

It started off really fun with overwhelmingly positive feedback. I even received my first Pizza sponsorship. An extra special shout out to Omar McPizza

Harlan Wilton
Harlan Wilton
A two part tale. Thank again for the delicious contribution @McPizza0!
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Each night I was staying up progressively later and later. By the Friday release at 7am, I was done.

I had burnt the candle at both ends and was ready to enjoy the weekend.

Harlan Wilton
Harlan Wilton
And that's a wrap for this week! Time to go outside 🏞️ I'll be working from next week on the big final releases that need extra special attention 🧑‍🎨 Thanks for all the amazing support so far.
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I wasn't able to get Nuxt SEO Kit v2 out, but I was happy with what I had achieved.

A month of work finished in one week. Even though it was a grind, it was really fun, and I'm grateful to the community for their support.

Turning 29

On the 10th July, my girlfriend and I flew to Greece, starting the Europe leg of our travels.

This also happened to be one of my more unique birthdays. I spent the entire day in airplanes and airports, ending with a premium sleep on the floor of Singapore airport.

Being 28 was a good time with many memories and accomplishments while still trying to find my feet in open-source.

I'm especially proud of joining team Nuxt, and I'm excited for the year ahead and have plenty of exciting projects to release

Exploring Greece

We got to Athens just as they were in a heat wave, going from the Australian winter to 40 degree heat.

Our plan was to get to Istanbul, exploring what we could on the way, with an obligatory Greek island stop.

We had a lot of fun in Athens, especially at the archaeological sites and museums.

This was also our introduction to authentic Greek food, which has become our new favourite cuisine.

Moussaka, greek salad and stuff peppers.
Moussaka, greek salad and stuff peppers.

After Athens, we travelled to the beautiful Greek island Naxos.

We really liked exploring Halki village, the Old Town and beaches.

Temple of Apollo, Naxos
Temple of Apollo, Naxos
Old Byzantine Church surrounded by olive trees
Old Byzantine Church surrounded by olive trees
Tiny passageways in the Old Town of Naxos
Tiny passageways in the Old Town of Naxos

After Naxos, we headed inland to Meteora, which is known for its stunning rocky outcrops and monasteries. It was quite impressive.

Meteora monastery
Meteora monastery

Struggling with the heat, we decided to chill in Thessanoliki for a few days. The food, bars and museums were top tier.

Our final stop in Greece was the charming town of Xanthi, where we spent time wandering the picturesque cobblestone streets.

Other Small Wins

  • VueFes Japan: I'll be speaking at VueFes Japan on the 28th October, would love to see you there!
  • Nuxt Scripts: Started working on Nuxt Script in collaboration with the Google Aurora team
  • Nuxt Link Checker: Released v2 with Live Inspections.

August Plan

  • Release Nuxt SEO Kit v2 (hopefully)
  • Nuxt Scripts private beta
  • 🚌 Türkiye, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro